Friday, January 14, 2011

What Do I Know?

Not much, apparently. 

Bailey threw up (actually, the phrase "projectile vomit" is more appropriate in this case) Tuesday night.  I posted quickly about it earlier...she hit me, Scott, the furniture, the carpet.  Cooper was pretty much the only thing she didn't coat in regurgitated carrots.  She seemed fine afterwards, no tears, no fussing.  We all stripped down and I put her in the tub.  Just before I put her in the water, she threw up again.  But she was fine during her bath and slept pretty well that night.

Then the next day she was pretty miserable.  She took FIVE NAPS (yes, five), which is unusual for her, as she only naps twice a day normally.  She was giving me a hard time taking a bottle, so I gave her more of her Gerber foods (she loves the bananas and green beans).  She ate it without a problem and was smiling and babbling the whole way through.  I picked her up out of the highchair...and was wearing those bananas a second later.  Add diarrhea into the mix...good times.

Thursday was pretty much the same thing, except that she would drink a sip or two of her bottle here and there, but then refused it.  Today, she wouldn't even take a sip of her bottle and she threw up the food she ate. 

I worked in daycare for four years.  I've seen it all, from the common cold to pink eye to whooping cough to the flu.  You'd think I be able to figure out that my own daughter had some kind of bug, but nope.  Not this chick.  At first I thought, Guess we've gotta start burping her after each bottle again.  Then I thought, Maybe we're over-feeding her?  Then, Maybe she's teething?  The poor kid was getting Tylenol and a teething ring every four hours. 

I finally got a clue and took her to the doctor's office this afternoon.  Turns out she has a stomach virus, hence the vomiting and diarrhea.  Since she can't keep any food down she's now on a strict diet of Pedialyte (which she's refusing to take, go figure).  Then when she can drink a full bottle of that without getting sick we can go back to formula and work a little bit of solids back into her diet.  But the best part of it all (sense my sarcasm here) is that her stomach virus is contagious.  So, not only do I have to warn all my daycare kids' parents, but I also have to keep an eye out because I'm with her 24/7 and will most likely end up sick.  Nice.


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