Friday, January 21, 2011

Mommy Moments

I'd like to think I'm a good mom.  I love my daughter like crazy and she's quite a happy baby (most of the time).  She's fed, clothed, bathed, played with, stimulated and adored.  She's well-taken care of and (yes, I'm tooting my own horn) it shows.  But there times where I sit down and say to myself, what the hell was I thinking?

Last night, for instance.  Lately, Bailey has taken a liking to one of my baking spatulas.  It's soft enough that it won't hurt her, but hard enough for her to chomp on (since everything goes into her mouth)She was jumping in her jumperoo and dropped it on the kitchen floor while Scott and I were cooking dinner, so I tossed it in the sink to rinse off later.  Bailey immediately started fussing (how dare I clean her new favorite toy?), so without really thinking, I took a regular metal spoon from the drawer and gave it to her to play with, then continued making dinner.

Not three minutes later, she poked herself in the eye and scratched her cheek with the metal edge.  Immediately started crying and making all kinds of angry noises at me.  Where was my brain when I gave her that spoon, you ask?  Apparently, it was on strike.  I had to laugh, though, when I turned around and Scott (who's been known to have a few brainless moments himself) was shaking his head at me. least she didn't poke her eye out.  And all it took were an ice pack and a few kisses from mommy and daddy to make it all better.

I'm going to predict right now that there will be many more "mommy moments" in the future.  I said I was a good mom, not a perfect one.     ;-)

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