Friday, September 12, 2014

#BraunTherms VoxBox Review

Things have been so busy over here that I haven't gotten a moment to think let alone blog.  But then I remembered this afternoon that I totally forgot to blog my review of the Braun ThermoScanThermometer* that I received from Influenster {tsk tsk!}. 

Let me start by saying that this thermometer is AWESOME, and I'm not just saying that because they gave it to me.  It really is that good.  It takes an accurate temperature in 2 seconds {for real...2 seconds}, and it's ridiculously easy and simple to use.  With the push of a button, you can get an accurate temperature read-out in less time than it takes to turn on a thermometer that you'd put under your arm.  I also received a pack of 20 lens covers for the thermometer.  They're super easy to put on and taking them off is as simple as pushing an eject button.  {A word to the wise: make sure when you're pushing the button to remove the lens cover that you're NOT pointing the thermometer near anyone's face.  That lens cover goes flying off, and you don't want anyone getting poked in the eye!}

All in all, I give the Braun ThermoScan Thermometer an A+.  Because it's awesome.  Simple, easy, compact...what more could you want?  With 2 kids and a husband who tends to suffer from "man cold", this thermometer is invaluable.  If you don't already have one, run to the store and pick one up for your family!

*I received this product free from Influenster for testing purposes.