Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer Roundup 2...In Pictures!

This summer has been crazy busy (what else is new, right?) but so much fun!

Gerry got his first two teeth at 7 months old, the exact same age Bailey was when she got her first tooth.  He handled the first one like a champ, but was not happy about tooth number tooth (and now number three) coming through.

He's been pretty fussy and, of course, everything is going in his mouth.  I ordered an amber teething necklace for him online, and it should be here this week.  In the meantime, we've been giving him teething rings galore and infant Advil to help with the pain. 


Bailey got her first real hair cut!  Meg finally talked her into letting her cut it, and she loves it.  She keeps telling us she looks like a princess now, and she's super proud of it.


We've enjoyed some days at the pool.  Bailey always takes awhile to get herself in (just like her mommy), but once she's in there she has a blast.  And Gerry?  Well, he likes pretty much everything.  He'll stand there all afternoon, happily kicking his feet and splashing the water.


Bailey and Gerry still astound me with their sibling adoration.


And there's nothing better than hanging out with cousins!


 Now that I've realized that I can flip the camera on my phone and take pictures of myself with the kids instead of always being the one behind the camera, I take as many opportunities as I can to get in a picture with Bailey and/or Gerry. In true Bailey fashion, she's definitely not as cooperative as Gerry is.  But I do what I can.


Finally...Scott has lost 80lbs this summer...80 LBS!!  He's been working his ass off (literally) and the results are amazing.  He's still working on it, but he's come a long way in just 3 months, and I'm proud of him!  He'll probably hate me for doing this, but I'm going to post some comparison photos here so you all can see how far he's come.


And here he is 80lbs later...

Back in his sweatpants from high school!

I admire the hell out of him for working so hard all summer, and for continuing to not give up.  He lost weight on vacation, and he's not letting anything get in his way.  His willpower is amazing and he's still going strong!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gerry: 7 Months Old

Gerry is 7 months old today...officially closer to a 1-year-old now than to an infant.  I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that.  He's growing up so fast, and has such an amazing personality...I thank my lucky stars every day for him.

Some news in Gerry's life:  he got his very first tooth today!  It's on the bottom and I wouldn't have had a clue it was cutting through if I hadn't happened to see a teeny flash of white while we were playing this morning.  In true Gerry fashion, he's been super happy and calm, even with the tooth cutting through.  He hasn't been fussy and hasn't cried beyond the little whine he does to fall asleep. 

Another milestone:  we moved him to the crib in his bedroom this month.  I was teary that first night, and thought for sure that he was going to wake up and be sad, thinking we abandoned him.   But he proved me wrong, slept through the night like a champ, and woke up with a huge smile and happy as can be.  He naps in there, as well, and is sleeping better than I ever expected.

Personality:  calm and happy; go with the flow

Nickname: Tank

Likes: Mommy, Daddy, Bailey; puffs; his bottle; sitting up all by himself; kicking his feet; blowing raspberries; being tickled; bath time; toy phones; Mickey Mouse; most foods (sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, peas, ice cream)

Dislikes: Waiting too long to be fed; when a toy is juuuust beyond his reach

New Skills:  Can sit unassisted; uses pinscher grasp to pick up small foods and put them in his mouth; scooching to move toward objects

Sleeps: A solid 10-12 hours per night.

I know I say this all the time, but Gerry really is such an amazing baby.  Seeing him and Bailey together makes me happier than I ever would have thought.  Scott and I are pretty lucky!