Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Baby #3: 17 Weeks

I'm both excited and repulsed to be writing this post.  Repulsed because everybody writes posts like these when they're pregnant and I hate to "copy"; but excited because I enjoy looking back my old blog posts, and it will be fun to look back on these someday, too.  I was horrible at keeping track during my pregnancy with Bailey and, in fact, didn't start this blog until she was about 6 months old.  With Gerry, I took my fair share of pictures.  This time around, I want solid proof to look back on.  So here goes...

How far along:  17 weeks

Total weight gain/loss:  Hey, now.  A lady never discloses her weight.

Maternity clothes:  Yep.  Although, I can still get my yoga pants on and I'm mostly borrowing t-shirts from Scott at this point.  But when we go out in public, I wear maternity jeans and tops.

Stretch marks:  Yes, if you count the ones from Bailey and Gerry.  So far, this little one hasn't bestowed any upon me but I know it's only a matter of time.

Sleep:  I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old.  I haven't gotten a good night's sleep before the oldest was born.  As far as baby goes, sleep is decent.  I get up in the middle of the night to roll over or adjust the extra pillows I use for my back.

Best moment of the week: Yesterday!  I had some energy and my back wasn't hurting too badly, so I cleaned the shit out of the kids' rooms and mine.  Got about 4 loads of laundry folded and put away, cleaned off my desk, did some dusting.  It was nice!

Miss anything:  Alcohol and being able to climb the stairs without getting out of breath.

Movement:  Teeny little brushes and flutters here and there, but nothing major yet.

Food cravings:  None.  Not a single one.  Which is so weird, because I was craving very specific things with both Bailey and Gerry.  This time around, I'm not even really all that hungry.  {and not complaining about it, either!}

Anything make you queasy or sick:  Nope!  The first few months were a bit rough with random bouts of nausea throughout the day and night, but nothing for the last 2 weeks!

Showing yet:  I feel like I just popped at 15 weeks.  Before then I just looked extra chubby.  Now there's a fairly defined baby bump there.

Gender:  We don't know yet!

Labor signs:  None, thankfully.

Belly button in or out:  Still in.  It didn't pop out with either of my other pregnancies, so I'm thinking it won't this time around, either.

Wedding rings on or off:  ON!  I lost my engagement ring a few months ago {we highly suspect Bailey of grabbing and losing it} so my wedding band will stay on until and unless it needs to be cut off my finger.

Happy or moody most of the time:  A little bit of both.  My job seems like a lot of fun, but it can actually be really stressful, and by the end of the day I'm grumpy and moody.  I'm working on eliminating the biggest stressors and hoping that it brings my mood around.

Looking forward to:  Bailey's field trip on Friday!  Her class is going to Merrymead Farm and I'm chaperoning.  She's sooooo excited about it, and I can't wait to share that with her.  :-)

I was 15 weeks along in this photo...17 weeks now!

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Apple & Eve Voxbox Review

I received another voxbox* from Influenster a few weeks ago, and I can honestly say that this was one of my top 2 boxes.  I loved that there were things inside that both I and my kids could enjoy...and enjoy we did!

Here's what came in this Voxbox:

  • Apple & Eve Organics 1L  (Orange Pineapple)
  • Berrylicious Lemonade Organic Quenchers
  • Razzberry Apple Splash Organic Quenchers
  • Fruit Punch Burst Organic Quenchers
I'm not ashamed to admit that I immediately claimed the one liter Orange Pineapple for myself.  At 16 weeks pregnant, I've got wicked heartburn and my go-to (plain ol' water) makes it worse.  I'm trying to keep my weight gain and caffeine intake to a minimum, so this Organics juice was perfect.  As far as flavor, I loved it.  The orange wasn't too tangy, and there was just the right amount of pineapple...and it comes in an eco friendly container that protects both the juice and the planet.  I highly recommend this one!  {Even cooler?  This juice container came with a $1 off coupon for my next Apple & Eve purchase...sweet!}

As for the Quenchers, I loved that they were small juice boxes that fit perfectly in my kids' little hands.  Neither of them were fans of the  Berrylicious Lemonade flavor, but both the Fruit Punch Burst and Razzberry Apple Splash were a hit with them.


The kids thought they were cool because they got to drink juice boxes instead of a sippy cup, and these were super convenient for packing Bailey's school lunch.  Even better?  These are purely organic and sweetened only with fruit, and they've got 50% less sugar than the leading kids' regular juices.  As a parent, that's really important to me.  

Now that Bailey is in school full-time, we send juice boxes in with her lunch.  I hate Capri Sun (and I'll admit it's mostly because of all the gross videos floating around of people cutting open the juice container to find mold floating around in there), and other juices like Hi-C, while the kids love them, are so filled with sugar and other ingredients that I feel like crap sending one to school.  These Apple & Eve juices, though, are a definite staple in our fridge now.  I love that they're organic, I love that they're sweetened only with fruit and that they have less sugar than other leading brands, and the price is comparable to other juice products.  Plus, I feel good knowing that when the kids are sucking down juice it's something organic and healthier for them.  

Soooooo....this long post to say that I very, very highly recommend this product and will absolutely continue purchasing them in the future.  If you haven't tried it yet, or if you've got juice-loving kids who you want to fill up with a less sugary juice drink, get yourself to your nearest grocery store and grab some Apple & Eve!

*I received this product free from Influenster for testing purposes

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