Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Glucose Test, Growth Ultrasound, Baby...Oh My!

I had a packed morning today (and thank God Scott was home from work).  I had the lovely glucose test this morning, followed by my second growth ultrasound.

The glucose test, while annoying, actually was better than I remembered it being.  The drink was still gross, but not too terrible.  I still had the hot flash and nausea after drinking it, but didn't feel too much activity from Baby G.  With Bailey, she was going crazy within minutes of me finishing the drink.  She bounced around in there like an acrobat on speed until the sugar coma hit and then she went still for hours.  With this guy, though, all I got was one well-placed kick...and then nothing.  I actually started poking at my belly and trying to get him to move because I was nervous.  If I poked, I'd get a lazy little roll in response every once in awhile but nothing more.  Luckily, I had an ultrasound scheduled for this morning, too, so I'd be able to ease my mind a bit after that.

The ultrasound went great, and it's always nice to be able to see the baby "in person", you know?  All of his measurements are good...and he was sleeping when we started.  The tech had to do some more poking before he finally rolled and woke up long enough to move so we could get the measurements needed.  She showed me him sticking his tongue out, crossing his feet at the ankles, and sucking his thumb.  Then she pointed to a set of spikes sticking out from his head.

Spikes?  My baby has spikes?!

That, folks, would be HAIR.  Long enough to see floating around from the back of the baby's head.  It definitely explains all the heartburn I've been having...but now I'm picturing my sweet little boy with a head full of crazy hair and it's freaking me out.
Is this what my little guy looks like in there?

All kidding aside (I hope), baby looks great and is doing fine.  He's measuring a full week ahead of schedule, which would put us the week before Christmas.  BUT...Bailey came a week after her due date...which puts us back at square one.  In any case, the ultrasound tech said to check with my OB before setting a new due date in stone.  So, for now, we're sticking with our original December 25th due date.  And I guess we'll see what happens!

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