Monday, July 30, 2012

Holy Sentences, Batman!

I know I say this all the time, but Bailey is astounding me with some of the things she says these days.  The way she's learning words and their meanings and then applying them to everyday life is just awesome to me.

This morning, for instance, she was looking at a picture on the fridge.  It's a picture of her and Scott from a few months ago, all dressed up for the Daddy Daughter Date Night sponsored by Chick-fil-A.  They're posing next to the Chick-fil-A cow, and I've got it held up by a magnet.  Well, she was playing with all the magnets on the fridge this morning and the picture fell down.  She looked at me all sad and said, clear as day, "Oh no, Mommy!  My cow broke!"

Later this afternoon she scratched her finger.  "Ouch, Mommy...kiss it?"

"Daddy, dance with me!"

"I have a popsicle, Mommy?"

"My bug bites hurt!"

"Mommy, I want lip gloss on.  I wear Mommy's makeup?"

It is INSANE the way she's putting words together.  I'm no expert, and I may be very, very biased, but I think she's speaking incredibly well for a kid who's just barely two.

When she talks to Madison or one of the daycare babies, I get the biggest kick out of watching them all interact.  Some of the kids speak better than others, but it's funny to watch them all "converse".

I can't wait to watch her with her baby brother.  They say that younger siblings tend to talk sooner because of their older siblings, and I'm thinking that may be the case for Baby G.  Although, they also say that boys tend to talk later than girls (which I've witnessed firsthand in my daycare experience), so who knows?  In any case, the baby will have a great role model when it comes time for those first words!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. My first was an early talker and she amazed me every day. My second?? Skylar talked for her so she never felt the need to talk. Ha ha. When she did start she never stopped and she started with full sentances. (she was almost 3).

    Go Bailey. Keep on talking away.


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