Monday, July 16, 2012

An Upgrade Of Sorts

Welcome to the "new" blog!

Technically, this is still the same blog I've kept since just after Bailey was born.  But, with our family expanding in a few months, I thought it might be nice to change the title and format of the blog.  So instead of "365 Days Of Bailey" it will now be called "What We Make Of It".

It took me awhile to think of a title that didn't have to do with JUST kids or that wasn't too cutesy (I tossed around "Wonderful Wanners" and other corny titles like it a few times, but hated them).  I truly believe that life IS what you make of it, whether it be good or bad.  Take Scott and me, for example.  We don't have a lot of money and our house is small and, compared to a lot of other people, we don't seem to have much.  But we've both got decent jobs, we're healthy, we've got a beautiful daughter and another little one on the way, and we have wonderful family and friends...who could ask for more?

So enjoy the new format, feel free to comment and share with friends, and I'll keep on writing (whether or not anyone reads'll be great for my kids to be able to read as they get older).

Until next time!

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