Tuesday, July 17, 2012

17 Weeks

I'm 17 weeks along today and starting to show.  I feel pretty good and really can't complain!  No morning sickness (not that I ever got full blown "sick" but I did have periods of nausea off and on for a few weeks), no real food aversions, and I'm starting to get over the constant fatigue.  I am hungry all the time, but I don't have any serious cravings like I did with Bailey (although I could kill a tray of brownies right now), and I'm feeling some movement here and there.  I don't have a picture yet from this week, but here's what 16 weeks and some odd days looks like.

Bailey is just now sort of, kind of starting to get it.  When I get dressed, she likes to come up and put her hands on my belly and when I tell her that mommy has a baby in there she says, "I have baby in my belly, too?"  Hmm...so maybe she isn't quite getting it.  One of these days, though.

We have our Level 2 ultrasound next Thursday and we'll hopefully we'll find out whether this little one is a girl or a boy.  I have a feeling what it is...but that's my little secret for now.  ;-)

Not much else to report right now.  We're leaving for a week-long vacation to the beach on Saturday and I...CANNOT...WAIT!   It will be interesting to see how Bailey does throughout the week.  She really liked the sand and the ocean last year, but we'll see how she likes it this time around, when she's more aware of what things are and what's going on.  And, of course, I'm dreading the rides!  Bailey is obsessed with going on rides and doesn't understand yet that when the ride is over she has to get off.  She's quick to throw a tantrum these days and, to be honest, I just don't feel like dealing with that on my vacation!  I'm hoping that there will be enough other things going on all week that we can distract her with something else to keep her from freaking out.  I'm crossing my fingers!

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