I know I say this all the time, but Bailey is astounding me with some of the things she says these days. The way she's learning words and their meanings and then applying them to everyday life is just awesome to me.
This morning, for instance, she was looking at a picture on the fridge. It's a picture of her and Scott from a few months ago, all dressed up for the Daddy Daughter Date Night sponsored by Chick-fil-A. They're posing next to the Chick-fil-A cow, and I've got it held up by a magnet. Well, she was playing with all the magnets on the fridge this morning and the picture fell down. She looked at me all sad and said, clear as day, "Oh no, Mommy! My cow broke!"
Later this afternoon she scratched her finger. "Ouch, Mommy...kiss it?"
"Daddy, dance with me!"
"I have a popsicle, Mommy?"
"My bug bites hurt!"
"Mommy, I want lip gloss on. I wear Mommy's makeup?"
It is INSANE the way she's putting words together. I'm no expert, and I may be very, very biased, but I think she's speaking incredibly well for a kid who's just barely two.
When she talks to Madison or one of the daycare babies, I get the biggest kick out of watching them all interact. Some of the kids speak better than others, but it's funny to watch them all "converse".
I can't wait to watch her with her baby brother. They say that younger siblings tend to talk sooner because of their older siblings, and I'm thinking that may be the case for Baby G. Although, they also say that boys tend to talk later than girls (which I've witnessed firsthand in my daycare experience), so who knows? In any case, the baby will have a great role model when it comes time for those first words!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Family Vacation 2012
We just got back from vacation this morning, and I'm already sad that the week is over. We had great weather and lots of fun...with only a few meltdowns and tantrums mixed in.
The beach was a big fail for Bailey...she hated it, which really surprised me. It got to the point where, by day five, she wouldn't even let her toes touch the sand let alone the ocean. She clung to whoever would hold her and kept repeating, "I scared" over and over again. It was cute on the first day...by the last day I was over it!
She did pretty well on the boardwalk. Both girls got to ride the rides almost every night and they had a blast. Bailey cried when the rides were over and, I'll admit, I bribed her with ice cream more often than I should have.
Our schedule was completely off and Bailey had a really hard time with naps and going to bed at night. There were tears just about every night and she ended up falling asleep in my parents' room and then being carried into ours for the night...craziness.
Luckily, we survived and we're home. We had a fantastic, but very quick, week...just what we needed!
The beach was a big fail for Bailey...she hated it, which really surprised me. It got to the point where, by day five, she wouldn't even let her toes touch the sand let alone the ocean. She clung to whoever would hold her and kept repeating, "I scared" over and over again. It was cute on the first day...by the last day I was over it!
She did pretty well on the boardwalk. Both girls got to ride the rides almost every night and they had a blast. Bailey cried when the rides were over and, I'll admit, I bribed her with ice cream more often than I should have.
Our schedule was completely off and Bailey had a really hard time with naps and going to bed at night. There were tears just about every night and she ended up falling asleep in my parents' room and then being carried into ours for the night...craziness.
Luckily, we survived and we're home. We had a fantastic, but very quick, week...just what we needed!
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Bailey met this princess on our very first night. After that, she just HAD to see her every time we went on the boardwalk. |
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This isn't what it looks like! |
Friday, July 27, 2012
Baby Number 2 -- We're Having A....
.... BOY!!
Scott and I had our Level 2 ultrasound at Abington Hospital on Thursday and we found out that we're having a baby boy...we're over the moon! He'll be the first boy in 16 years on either side.
He looks great so far and was actually measuring a few days bigger so my due date got bumped to December 22nd...but I wouldn't be surprised, considering how everything has gone so far, if he came on Christmas Day. The baby was moving all over the place during the ultrasound and we got a lot of great pictures of him, plus the obligatory "potty shot"...this little boy wasn't shy at all and there's no doubt that he's a he!
I have to go back at the end of August for a heart study because of the medication I was taking when we found out I was pregnant, but I'm confident that it will go well, too. And, bonus! I'll get to see the baby again. :-)
Here are a few more photos we got from our ultrasound:
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Profile! |
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He's waving at us |
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Note the placement of his fingers...Cowabunga, dude! |
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The Wanner foot |
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Two More Days!
We're leaving for vacation in two days, and I'm sooooo ready for the (semi) break! Although, I hate the packing. This year I made lists of everything that I need to pack for each of us, plus any miscellaneous things we might need (phone chargers, Bailey's potty seat, etc.), but I'm almost positive that I'll forget something. It always happens, without fail.
We're leaving at 7am on Saturday and I'm hoping that things go off without a hitch (ie; that Bailey gets up, dressed and in the car without a major meltdown). I'm also hoping that the car ride won't be too bad...hopefully she falls back to sleep and stays that way until we hit Jersey! And then, of course, there's the constant wishing that everything stays calm during the week and that we can keep her on pretty much the same routine we're got her on at home. Fingers crossed...
We'll also be finding out on Thursday whether this baby is a boy or a girl! I didn't want to find out with Bailey, but I'm anxious to find out this time around (for reasons I will explain at a later date). We'll see. In any case, we'll be thrilled either way and Christmas should be interesting this year!
We're leaving at 7am on Saturday and I'm hoping that things go off without a hitch (ie; that Bailey gets up, dressed and in the car without a major meltdown). I'm also hoping that the car ride won't be too bad...hopefully she falls back to sleep and stays that way until we hit Jersey! And then, of course, there's the constant wishing that everything stays calm during the week and that we can keep her on pretty much the same routine we're got her on at home. Fingers crossed...
We'll also be finding out on Thursday whether this baby is a boy or a girl! I didn't want to find out with Bailey, but I'm anxious to find out this time around (for reasons I will explain at a later date). We'll see. In any case, we'll be thrilled either way and Christmas should be interesting this year!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
17 Weeks
Bailey is just now sort of, kind of starting to get it. When I get dressed, she likes to come up and put her hands on my belly and when I tell her that mommy has a baby in there she says, "I have baby in my belly, too?" Hmm...so maybe she isn't quite getting it. One of these days, though.
We have our Level 2 ultrasound next Thursday and we'll hopefully we'll find out whether this little one is a girl or a boy. I have a feeling what it is...but that's my little secret for now. ;-)
Not much else to report right now. We're leaving for a week-long vacation to the beach on Saturday and I...CANNOT...WAIT! It will be interesting to see how Bailey does throughout the week. She really liked the sand and the ocean last year, but we'll see how she likes it this time around, when she's more aware of what things are and what's going on. And, of course, I'm dreading the rides! Bailey is obsessed with going on rides and doesn't understand yet that when the ride is over she has to get off. She's quick to throw a tantrum these days and, to be honest, I just don't feel like dealing with that on my vacation! I'm hoping that there will be enough other things going on all week that we can distract her with something else to keep her from freaking out. I'm crossing my fingers!
Monday, July 16, 2012
An Upgrade Of Sorts
Welcome to the "new" blog!
Technically, this is still the same blog I've kept since just after Bailey was born. But, with our family expanding in a few months, I thought it might be nice to change the title and format of the blog. So instead of "365 Days Of Bailey" it will now be called "What We Make Of It".
It took me awhile to think of a title that didn't have to do with JUST kids or that wasn't too cutesy (I tossed around "Wonderful Wanners" and other corny titles like it a few times, but hated them). I truly believe that life IS what you make of it, whether it be good or bad. Take Scott and me, for example. We don't have a lot of money and our house is small and, compared to a lot of other people, we don't seem to have much. But we've both got decent jobs, we're healthy, we've got a beautiful daughter and another little one on the way, and we have wonderful family and friends...who could ask for more?
So enjoy the new format, feel free to comment and share with friends, and I'll keep on writing (whether or not anyone reads this...it'll be great for my kids to be able to read as they get older).
Until next time!
Technically, this is still the same blog I've kept since just after Bailey was born. But, with our family expanding in a few months, I thought it might be nice to change the title and format of the blog. So instead of "365 Days Of Bailey" it will now be called "What We Make Of It".
It took me awhile to think of a title that didn't have to do with JUST kids or that wasn't too cutesy (I tossed around "Wonderful Wanners" and other corny titles like it a few times, but hated them). I truly believe that life IS what you make of it, whether it be good or bad. Take Scott and me, for example. We don't have a lot of money and our house is small and, compared to a lot of other people, we don't seem to have much. But we've both got decent jobs, we're healthy, we've got a beautiful daughter and another little one on the way, and we have wonderful family and friends...who could ask for more?
So enjoy the new format, feel free to comment and share with friends, and I'll keep on writing (whether or not anyone reads this...it'll be great for my kids to be able to read as they get older).
Until next time!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Catch Up
Time to play catch up again. In my last post, I promised to check back in at the end of the day. Which I didn't. Which should have been exactly what you all expected of me, right? In any case, I'm back now and I'll just play catch up from where I last left off.
Bailey did receive her Happy Birthday phone call from Mickey Mouse. It was completely adorable, with Mickey wishing her a very happy birthday and singing a special song for her. I listened to the recorded call on speaker phone with her, totally expecting her eyes to light up and for that phone call to be the thing she talked about for the rest of the morning. Instead, midway through Mickey's song Bailey starts yelling into the phone.
"Minnie! Minnie? Where's Minnie? Mickey, where Minnie go?"
She repeated it about 47 times until the call ended and then looked at me in anger. My two-year-old thought a phone call from Mickey was lame. She'd have been much happier with a call from Minnie Mouse. The "special" phone call was forgotten pretty much around the time that it started and she didn't mention it the rest of the day. Fail.
Bailey did receive her Happy Birthday phone call from Mickey Mouse. It was completely adorable, with Mickey wishing her a very happy birthday and singing a special song for her. I listened to the recorded call on speaker phone with her, totally expecting her eyes to light up and for that phone call to be the thing she talked about for the rest of the morning. Instead, midway through Mickey's song Bailey starts yelling into the phone.
"Minnie! Minnie? Where's Minnie? Mickey, where Minnie go?"
She repeated it about 47 times until the call ended and then looked at me in anger. My two-year-old thought a phone call from Mickey was lame. She'd have been much happier with a call from Minnie Mouse. The "special" phone call was forgotten pretty much around the time that it started and she didn't mention it the rest of the day. Fail.
Her birthday party was lots of fun, though! For her, anyway. I know I speak for every adult at that party (and probably some of the kids, too) that having an outdoor birthday party in the middle of a heatwave is one of the most asinine things a person can do. Granted, I wasn't anticipating it hitting 100 degrees when we planned her party back in April, but still. It sucked for everyone over the age of 2.
The kids, on the other hand, had a blast and the bounce house was a HUGE hit. I highly recommend using Boing! Bounce Rentals if you're ever in need of a bounce house or anything along those lines. Two guys came to set it up, it took them about a half hour to set up and even less than that to take it back down. The price was SUPER reasonable and we didn't have to do anything but have a blast in it...which the kids did. Highly, highly recommend it!
Unfortunately, I didn't get a single picture from the party. Not a one. But, luckily, I have a few people who were smart enough to take a ton of photos, for which I'm grateful. As soon as I get them I'll upload them here.
Bailey's "big girl" bedroom is officially finished and it looks great! These pictures don't do it justice, but you get the general idea.
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Bailey's very first dresser. Her other room was so teeny that we couldn't fit a dresser, and had to make do with shelves and bins in her closet. |
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Her bed. The wall sticker above says, "A Dream Is a Wish The Heart Makes" |
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A wider shot of the bed (before we put a comforter on it) and her nightstands. Looks comfy, right? |
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The table and chairs she got for Christmas |
This room is cute and looks super comfy, right? Tell that to Bailey. We CANNOT get her to sleep in this room! It's a freakin' nightmare that just replays over and over again. She goes to bed around 8:30ish, watches an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and then it's lights out and we turn on her lullaby CD and her night lights. Same routine we've had since she was about 18 months old. Except that now she gets out of bed, tears apart her dresser drawers and book case, sneaks out of her room and is just generally a pain in the ass until Scott or I (or both of us) get tired of gently putting her back in bed 39,000 times and finally lay the smackdown on her. Then she cries for a few minutes until she passes out from sheer exhaustion. Mind you, by this point it's going on midnight and every damn one of us is exhausted. I know that the big new room will take some adjusting to, but it's frustrating. In her old room, she transitioned smoothly from crib to toddler bed with no problem. Yes, she would wake up and sneak out of her room every once in a while. But it was never the battle that we deal with now and she was NEVER up until midnight. I'm not sure what to do to help ease the transition and we can't put her back in her old room because it's basically a rent-a-center in there now until we can go through everything for the new baby.
I learned my lesson on her first night in the new room, though. Thought I'd help her out by snuggling up in bed with her and showing her how cool and comfy her bed was. Problem was, I fell asleep for god-knows-how-long and woke up to her GONE. I found her in the bathroom sitting in the empty tub and playing with bath toys...at 11:15pm.
Someone tell me this is just a phase and that it won't be like this forever. I'm TIRED!
I had another appointment yesterday to check on #2 and everything looks great. Nice strong heartbeat and baby was moving around the whole time. The only not-so-great to come from the appointment is that I have to get a Level 2 ultrasound. We got one with Bailey because of my scoliosis and heart issues, which is why I expected one this time around. But my OB wants one specifically because the medication I was on when I found out I was pregnant (the lovely meds that had been controlling my PPD and anxiety) can cause birth defects. I'm sure that everything is fine with the baby (and even if it's not 100% fine, we'll still be okay and will love this baby no matter what), but it's scary and sad to think that something I did to cause harm to "it". I stay away from the deli meats, alcohol, too much caffeine, hair dye (my gray hair is making yet another appearance these days) and everything else that expectant mothers are supposed to abstain from. I stopped my meds cold turkey the day I found out I was pregnant (by the way, I do not recommend this to anyone...ever) but, because we weren't planning this one, I was a good 7 weeks along before I got a clue. 7 whole weeks and, I don't know why, but the thought of this baby having a defect because of a medication I was taking freaks me out even more than the possibility of a defect because of something inherited or passed down. At least then I could take comfort in the fact that it wasn't anything I did or anything that I could control.
I called to schedule the ultrasound, but had to leave a message an no one has called back yet. The BRIGHT side of it is that we'll find out whether the baby is a boy or a girl and can stop referring to it as "it". The crappy thing, though, is that we have to wait AT LEAST another 3 to 4 weeks, probably longer because I have the distinct feeling I'm going to have to hound these people to get an appointment. Damnit, we were hoping to find out sooner!
On a completely unrelated note, it is hot as hell here these days and I can't stand it. Thank God for A/C.
Also, this is what I plan to do most of the summer:
Til next time...
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