Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Paging Doctor X

It's only Wednesday, and Gerry has had a hell of a week so far!

He burned his hand on Sunday.  2nd degree.  My parents have recessed lighting (bulbs) in their walls leading down the stairs to their finished basement.  Normally, when we all go over for Sunday dinner the basement door stays closed.  This week, though, one of the big kids opened the door and G snuck down there when we weren't paying attention.  Next thing I know, he's screaming bloody murder and we find him at the bottom of the stairs.  At first, I thought he fell and just picked himself up, so I scooped him up and just kept saying, "It's okay, you're okay."  But then he held up his hand {the poor thing was shaking} and just kept looking at me and crying,  Sure enough, his little palm was bright red.  We iced it and ran it under cool water, and my mom put silvadene on to help the burn.  We gave him some infants' Advil and, by the time we put him to bed a few hours later, he was totally fine. 

Fast forward to yesterday.  The day was going fairly smoothly until Gerry woke up from his nap and decided that it was a good time to climb out of his crib.  I was in the bathroom when I heard a loud crash and then him immediately screaming.  I ran to his room and he was already opening the door, his face just covered in blood.  He was screaming, I was {internally} freaking the eff out, and we were both shaking by the time I got him to the kitchen to clean him up and try to find where all the blood was coming from {short answer: everywhere}. 

I looked him over and he seemed okay but the blood.  I couldn't find one particular spot where it was coming from so I just kept wiping his entire face.  Eventually, it all slowed down and I could see that some of it was coming from his nose and some from his mouth.  After a quick call to our family doctor, I took him over to CHOP Urgent Care to get looked at {our doctor was concerned about a broken nose}.  This was our first time there and, I have to say, it was a really good experience.

 The nurses were fantastic, the doctor was great and friendly, and we were in and out {without an appointment} in under two hours.  You can't tell from this picture, but he's got a red spot under his nose {rug burn?} and a swollen upper lip.  The doc checked him broken bones, but he did tear his frenulum and would probably be sore for a couple days.  He also checked his burn from Sunday and advised us to keep using silvadene or neosporin and wrap it up so it can heal. 

This morning, Gerry seems just fine, bouncing off the walls and giggling as usual.  His nose is still just a teeny bit swollen and his upper lip is cut and swollen, as well.  The gauze bandage is pretty much just a huge pain in the ass to him at this point, but if I can distract him enough he'll stop picking at it and trying to pull it off every two seconds. 

I wasn't expecting him to attempt a crib escape at just 16 months old {Bailey waited until she was 19 months old and she had bumpers to climb on-- G doesn't} but I'm glad that he didn't hurt himself worse than a bloody nose and a scraped up face.  He's giving us quite the run for our money these days as far as getting into things and being a little daredevil.  Maybe he'll get it all out of his system early and be a calm kid by the time he's ready for Kindergarten?  ;-)

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