Thursday, March 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday

It's TBT again!  This photo of my Pop Pop and me was taken sometime in the mid-'80s...I'm thinking 1985 0r '86, based on how small I am.  My parents were very, very young when I was born, and still lived with my dad's parents. Growing up, I always heard stories from my mom and my Mom Mom about how my grandfather would quietly sneak into my parents' bedroom when I was a baby, take me out of my crib, and put me in a bouncy seat on the kitchen table to "chat" while he brewed coffee and cooked breakfast. 

Over the years, I've been blessed to enjoy weekends and vacations and sleepovers and random days with both my Pop Pop and my Mom Mom.  Growing up, their home was my home, and was always one of my very favorite places to be.  My grandfather and I share a love of coffee (though not as strong as the love for coffee that my grandmother and I share!), black licorice, figs, breakfast, and all things family.  He is one of my most favorite people in this world and someone that I have always and will always look up to.  Smile, Pop Pop!

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