We've got plans to get hair cuts (Scott and Gerry) and highlights (me) at my sister's house tonight, and I seriously can't wait. I'm 29 years old and I have gray hair. There. I said it. Thank God I have a sister who's a cosmetologist, otherwise I'd go broke getting my hair done every couple of weeks. That, or I'd just
Scott is with Gerry right now at his 12 month check-up. Yes, he's 14 months old, but I completely dropped the ball and forgot to schedule his 12-month, so we're doing it a little late. Poor kid has to get a shot today...he walked out the door with his usual goofy smile this morning, having no clue what awaits him when he gets to the doctor's office.
He's still been pretty clingy lately, but I think it's due in large part to the fact that he got a ton of new teeth in the last week...like 6 or 7 of them all at once. When he's not hanging on my pants or whining to be picked up, Gerry is quite the mischievous little guy. We've had to buy a toilet seat lock because G thought it was his own personal splash pad. We're <this close> to running out and purchasing a refrigerator door lock, and I'm pretty sure the only thing holding us back is the fear that we won't be able to work it. For now, we're just continually running back and forth from the living room to the kitchen and calling out different variations of "Gerry! Get out of the fridge!" He figured out how to open the drawers in there, so I keep finding apples and strawberries on the shelves with a few teeny bites taken out of them.
Nap time has been interesting, to say the least. He goes down with no problem but when he wakes up he causes all sorts of trouble. Without making a sound. The other day, he talked and giggled to himself for almost an hour before falling asleep. When I stopped hearing him on the monitor, I went upstairs to check on him and make sure he was asleep, and I found this.
No pants. One sock missing. All of his stuffed animals and blanket thrown out of the crib. The blinds torn. In the big picture, he's sleeping on top of the changing pad that he pulled into the crib with him. But look how peaceful he looks! (I never did find his pants...they've been mysteriously missing since he took them off.)
He's pretty much mastered stairs, and is able to climb up and down a flight with ease. Watching him go downstairs still makes me nervous...he used to just slide down backwards on his belly, but yesterday he started attempting to actually stand up and walk down. He is fearless! I, on the other hand, feel like I need to be medicated when he does stuff like this.
Also, it cracks me up when he grabs a book and sits down in his Mickey Mouse chair. Such a scholar!
In addition to all this, he's walking like a pro these days, and I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing...
We're also working on teaching him some manners...
Now. On to Bailey. She is fantastic as ever. Still a night owl...still sassy...still my favorite little girl. She and Scott had their annual Daddy Daughter Date Night at Chick-Fil-A on Monday, and B had a blast. She spent an insane amount of time choosing just the right dress to wear for Daddy. In the end, she picked her Easter dress from last year. Surprisingly, it still fit her. She got to wear her fancy new Easter shoes with the high heels, and we did her hair and put some lip gloss and perfume on her.
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"Mommy, get a picture of the back of my pretty dress!" |
We signed her up for t-ball yesterday, and she is beyond thrilled. I don't have any information yet about practices and/or games, but I got an email saying to look out for the Little League newsletter for more information. I think I'm just as excited as Bailey is! I played t-ball for the same league when I was little (back then they called it "lassie ball") and I remember having so much fun. I'm excited for B to get involved in a team sport, even if she is young. She took dance classes last year and I teared up at her recital. It was so, so cool to watch her up there on that stage in her little tutu and tap shoes. That was the first time that she'd done something completely 100% without my involvement (parents weren't allowed in classes and we couldn't be up there on stage with them the night of their recital), and I was so incredibly proud watching her. She keeps telling me, "I can't WAIT to play baseball!"
When I told her that I had signed her up yesterday, she was so excited she ran up to her room and came back down wearing this shirt:
She said, "Look, Mom! I'm wearing my baseball shirt!" It's actually Scott's soccer shirt from when he was a kid, but hey. It works. She's pumped and I'm not messing with that.
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