Linking up with Becky over at From Mrs. To Mama again this week.
I love, love, love this week's blog topic. I often fantasize about what the future will be like, and where I'd like to be in x-amount of years, so this one was easy-peasy for me to write about.
In 5 years....
...I hope to be living in my dream home. The house we're in now is just fine...for now. It's a good size for us, in a good school district, close to just about anywhere I could possibly want to go. But some of my neighbors suck, the neighborhood itself isn't as good as it was when I was a kid, and we're going to need a bigger house as our family grows.
... I hope to have at least one more child. Bailey and Gerry are fantastic and wonderful, and I would love to give them another sibling. I enjoy pregnancy (although, you wouldn't know it to read some of the posts from my pregnancy with Gerry), and I love kids. If fate decides that two kids is all I need, then I'll be more than happy with the two miracles I've got. But I just don't feel like we're "done" quite yet.
...I hope to be more financially sound. Scott and I are well on our way to paying off our debt, and the raise he'll get from completing his Master's will be a big help. The plan is to put that raise to good use and start paying some stuff down. I don't think we'll ever be completely debt-free thanks to the crap economy, but we can be close.
...I hope to be a great mother. In 5 years, I'll have an 8-year-old and a 5-year-old (eek!) and I hope that I'm the best mother I can be to them. I want my kids to be proud to call me their mom and I hope that we have the kind of relationship where they feel comfortable, happy, and well-loved.
...I hope to have embraced my body, flaws and all. I've spent the majority of my twenties worrying about how I look, my weight, this scar and that mole. I'm slowly starting to accept myself for who I am, and I hope that in 5 years I'll have the courage and confidence to see myself the way my husband sees me and to not feel like I have to change a thing about myself in order to be "worthy" of others.
...I hope to be a great wife. I like to think that Scott would say that I'm a good wife. Truth is, he probably would say that because he's too nice not to. But I want to be certain myself that I'm a good wife. That I put the time into my marriage that it deserves and that I remember to nurture it and do my best not to let the busy-ness of our everyday lives overshadow the importance of our marriage.
...I hope to be happy. Does anyone ever not hope for happiness in their life? I'm happy now, for sure. And I'm pretty certain that I'll be happy 5 years from now, too. But I feel like if I don't put it in writing I'll be jinxing myself.
Next Week: My Biggest Weakness
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