Friday, July 26, 2013

Blogging With a Purpose: If I Were To Win the Lottery...

I'm linking up again with Becky over at From Mrs. To Mama this week, and posting this while on vacation.  On vacation.  Now, if that's not dedication, I don't know what is. Actually, it's boredom if you can believe that.  For once, everyone in the house is sleeping with the exception of Gerry and my mom, and they're both hanging out on the deck at the moment.  I literally have nothing else to do right now.  No kids wanting or needing something, nothing to clean, nothing to plan.  Just this.  To be honest, I'm glad for the break.  So, on to this week's blogging with a purpose topic:  If I Were To Win the Lottery, 5 Things I'd Buy.

I tweaked this topic a bit to suit my situation.  Instead of writing about things I'd buy, I'm going to write about things I'd do.  Because, yeah, I could buy a ton of stuff.  And there's no doubt that I would.  But I'd also do some things, too, and that's what I want to write about.  This is assuming I won millions...

I would NOT quit my job.  At this point in my life, with two little ones at home and hopefully more to come, having a home daycare is perfect for me.  I may not always love it, but I'm home with my kids and I have the ability to close if needed or to tweak my hours to suit my needs.  I'm my own boss and I'm there for my kids 24/7.  I would, however, lessen my workload by taking on fewer kids and being pickier about what kids I do take.  I would urge Scott to quit his job and stay home with us.  Or at least to find something more part-time.  He'd probably go nuts surrounded by kids all day, but at least he'd have the option of not having to work so hard all the time.  And our family would be together all the time.

I would buy a bigger house.  Right now, we live in a twin.  Which means we share a wall with our neighbors.  Which means that we can hear every single they do throughout the day and night.  And they can probably hear us at times, too, though I guarantee that even with young kids we're much quieter than they are.  We have 3 bedrooms now, which is just fine for us at the moment.  But I'd like a house that isn't attached to someone else's.  Something with at least 4 bedrooms (preferably 5), a big backyard, a playroom for the kids, and a finished basement.  In a good school district.  In the interest of my daycare, I'd also like something with a more open floor plan than we have right now. 

I would take my family on a wonderful vacation.  My whole family -- my parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws...the whole gang.  For at least two weeks.  A fantastic get-away that we'll never forget.  We'd stay on a private villa (or 5 considering there would be more than 30 people going) on the beach in the Caribbean or in Italy, and we'd spend 14 glorious days just spending time together.  Enjoying good food, new sites, no stress and just being together.

I would buy a house at the beach.   Every year my family stays a week in Ocean City, New Jersey.  And every year we all talk about buying a house there.  And every year nothing comes of it.  Scott says all the time that he wants to buy a house and retire on the beach.  So why not make it happen?  If I won the lottery, I'd buy a house like we've all been talking about for so long, and we could all use it any time we wanted.

I would pay off all my debts and give some money to my family.  They've been so good to me my whole life, and I'd love to be able to take some stress from them, financial or otherwise.  It would be nice to be able to give them all enough to retire and live the rest of their lives happily.

I'd invest in my own business.  I would LOVE to own a coffee shop/book store, trite as it sounds.  Sort of like a Barnes & Noble ( a bookstore with a cafe inside) but much smaller and more inviting.  More personable.  I think it would be cool to "run" the business with Scott.  To be our own bosses, to control what goes in and what comes out.  And there's nothing I love more than coffee and books. 

I could think of a million and one things I'd do if I won the lottery.  Seriously.  But these are my top five.  A girl can hope, right?

Next week's topic:  If I Could Turn Back Time (And Do Something Over)

Also, check back in the next few days for a recap of our vacation!

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