Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Gerry: 6 Months Old

How in the world is Gerry already 6 months old?! did this happen?

Scott and I still can't believe how lucky we are that he's such a happy and easy-going baby.  Since I'm going to be doing one of these every month for a bit, I figured I'll make it easier on all of us and make it kind of like a list instead if crazy long paragraphs.  So, here goes:

Personality:  Calm and happy; only cries when he's overtired or super hungry.

Nickname: "Little Man", "Handsome Man", "Chunk"

Likes:  Mommy and Daddy; Bailey; sweet potatoes; his exersaucer and jumperoo; his bottle; being tickled, playing peek-a-boo; kicking his feet like a crazy person; toy phones; bath time; kissy faces; singing

Dislikes:  Most other foods we've tried so far (peas, green beans, carrots, rice cereal); poopy diapers; waiting too long for his bottle; being on his back for too long without something to do

Skills:  Can roll from back to belly and from belly to back (but chooses not to); can sit unassisted for a few seconds before throwing himself backwards; can stand with support for a few minutes; can pick things up and put them in his mouth; transfers objects from hand to hand; holds his own bottle; makes consonant sounds (ma, da, ba)

Sleeps: A solid 9-11 hours per night

Gerry is just an amazing little guy.  So pleasant to be around and, oh my, his smile just lights up a room.  He's taken to staring at Scott or me until we pay attention and, as soon as we meet his eyes, he gives us the most gigantic and adorable smile ever.  Bailey is pretty much his favorite person ever and he will always stop what he's doing to start babbling and smiling when he sees her.  He's wonderful!  We just adore him.

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