Friday, August 17, 2012

...And I Melt

We're in the throes of the Terrible Twos in the Wanner household (notice how almost every post mentions this?  It's no joke).  But I'm noticing the past few days that Bailey is having WAY fewer tantrums and meltdowns than usual and is communicating, for the most part, more calmly and rationally than normal.  Now, that I've just jinxed myself...

Anyway, there are still more tantrums than I'd like and when she's in meltdown mode, I readily admit that it takes me quite a few minutes sometimes to calm her down.  I've even resorted to ignoring her on occasion (like if we're at home and she starts losing her mind because, OMG I can't wrap my baby doll in her blanket perfectly and the world WILL end if this doesn't go my way immediately) or losing my cool and raising my voice at her (when she takes a swing or lashes out mid-tantrum).  Usually, it only takes a few minutes to calm her down and then we can all take a deep breath and go on our merry way.

Lately, though, I'm finding that I breathe a whole lot easier.  She's freaking out less and agreeing more, and I'm noticing in a million little ways how sweet and awesome this kid is.  In between her toddler-ness and off-the-wall behavior and her need for instant gratification at all times there is a child who makes my heart melt at the most unexpected times and sometimes for the most unexpected reasons.

  • Last night, I was washing dishes after dinner when Bailey asked to play with "mommy's toys".  These are the cake toppers from Scott's and my wedding cakes.  We have two of them and keep them sort of on display in the kitchen (mostly because we have nowhere else to put them and I don't want to throw them away).  So, I take the cake toppers down and set them on the kitchen table and help Bailey climb into a chair so she can "play" with them while I finish the dishes.  After a few minutes, it dawns on me that she's being REALLY quiet and I'm not hearing her usual noise and banging around.  I turn around, fully expecting to see that Tornado Bailey has come through while my back was turned...and find her hugging the cake toppers.  Then she whispers to them: "Dis mommy princess and dis Daddy princess.  Pretty princess."  She finishes up with a quick kiss on both cake toppers and places them oh-so-carefully back on the table before climbing out of her chair and skipping into the living room.
  • Last weekend, I wore a dress...a very, very rare occasion.  I came downstairs and Bailey's eyes just lit up.  "Mommy, you a princess!"  Heart = melted.
  • Just about every day, Bailey will stop whatever she's doing and burst into song at the top of her lungs.  Most often, she chooses "You Are My Sunshine" and sometimes she picks a song that only she knows and understands.  She doesn't always get the words or the melody right, but she sings as loud as she can and spins around the room while she does it.  Without a care in the world and not giving a crap at all if anyone is watching her or thinks she looks like a lunatic on speed.  I love, love, love that about her and I so hope that, no matter how big she gets, she never ever loses that 100% confidence and belief that she is AWESOME.
  • Last week, my niece was in her bouncy seat and was crying a bit while I made her a bottle.  I had just finished putting the cap on the bottle when she stopped crying.  I thought she had fallen asleep, but when I went to go check on her I found her gazing up at Bailey and smiling.  When she started to cry, Bailey went over to her and tried to give her a pacifier.  She was gently bouncing her seat while trying to put the pacifier in her mouth and whispering, "I know.  It's okay, baby Harley (Karley), it's okay.  Mommy's coming."  
  • The other day, I was putting her to bed and she jumped up and said that she wanted to say night-night to Daddy.  I brought her downstairs and she went running full force at him, screaming "Night-night, Daddy!  Night-night!"  Scott picked her up and gave her a kiss and she put her head on his shoulder and said, "Lub you, Daddy".  The first time she ever said "I love you" first without one of us saying it first or prompting her.  <3
  • Scott had to go to work for a half day yesterday and as he was getting in the car, Bailey yelled out the door, "Daddy!  Come back here a second!  I wanna give you kisses!"
  • Lately, whenever we're in the car she asks me to hold her hand.  It's uncomfortable as hell to spend a car ride leaning backwards and twisting my arm so that I can reach back to hold her hand...but so, so worth it.

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