22 weeks along and going strong! |
I'm 22 weeks along as of Saturday! Still feeling good, aside from the usual aches and pains, so I really can't complain. Baby is moving often, though not nearly as much or as strongly as Bailey did at this point (I'm hoping that means he'll be a bit more mellow?). Still no super strong cravings. With Bailey, I absolutely HAD to have Slim Jims and canned peaches in the house at all times. This time around, though, there's not really one specific thing that I feel like I really need to have. A few weeks ago, I was on an orange kick and ate about 47 of them every day. Now, not so much. I've been ;eaning more towards comfort foods the last two weeks or so (think pot pies, doritos, etc.)...and that makes me nervous! I'm trying my best to be better this time around and to not just let myself go buck wild when it comes to what I eat. So far, I haven't gained nearly as much as I did with Bailey, and I'd like to keep it that way for the next few months.
I still can't believe how quickly the time is flying by! Scott starts back at school next week and before we know it Labor Day will be here, then Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas...too fast! I'm so paranoid that I won't have things ready by the time the baby gets here. We haven't done a thing yet for his room (thank God we're able to just reuse Bailey's crib), and I've only bought a few things here and there as far as clothes. When it comes to the daycare/preschool...I'm trying my best to get everything ready curriculum-wise, but it's slow-going. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm only taking a week off before starting back (I'll have help until January, though, but still). That is the ONE thing that I'm most upset about this time around, but I don't really have much of a choice.
In any case, things are going well for now. And, of course, I've gotta share a couple photos of Miss Bailey...
Cannot get the girl to smile for the camera! |
She dressed herself. In long pants and a winter hat. In August. |
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