Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Welcome To My New Space!

Notice anything different today?  Like...a whole new blog, complete with new title, pictures, and fonts?

In my real life I hate change.  Loathe it.  Fear it.  So, clearly, I'm taking it out on the blog these days.  And I have to say I'm really liking the change right now.  I decided on a new title, "Tutus To Tonka Trucks" while I was thinking about a good way to incorporate everything about our life into this goofy blog.  "What We Make Of It" was nice while it lasted, but I feel like the new title totally fits our life these days.  Now that Bailey is coming up on the big bad 3 (my baby is going to be 3!) and Gerry is coming into his own in terms of personality and interests, I thought the title was fairly apt for us.

I'm still going to be blogging about the same stuff I always have to all 8of you.  But I'm also going to be linking up with Becky over at From Mrs. To Mama each week for the next year for a series she thought up called "52 Weeks Of Blogging With a Purpose".  I'm pretty excited to have the chance to write some things that I may not have written otherwise, and I hope you enjoy reading it, too.  I'll also be doing my own little thing called "Flame Free Friday".  It pretty much speaks for itself...I'll be "confessing" each week, without the fear of judgement.  Hopefully.  It's cathartic and I need it.  And I hope that some of you will feel free to confess some things, too.

Finally, as most of you have probably heard, Google Reader is about to be no more.  As of July 1st, you won't be able to use it.  So click on the Bloglovin' button in the upper right hand corner of my blog to follow me that way.

And keep checking back for more updates!

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