Monday, October 7, 2013

Isagenix Mini-Reveal

Scott and I have been on Isagenix for about 5 months now, and we're seeing some fantastic results that I thought maybe I ought to work up the courage to share with all of you.  I'll start with Scott since he's had incredible results...

Scott has lost more than 102 lbs since starting Isagenix back in May.  He's been 100% faithful to the program, and has combined healthy eating plus the Insanity workout program...and he looks amazing.  I am ridiculously proud of him, and I admire the hell out of his determination and willpower.  I'll admit that, when we first started, I was skeptical.  I didn't think it would "work" and I definitely didn't think that he or I would stick with it long enough to see anything worthwhile.  But we did...and look how great he looks!

What a difference!

Okay, my turn.  I haven't lost nearly as much weight as Scott has, but I attribute that to the fact that (1) I'm a woman, (2) I haven't been quite as faithful to the program as Scott has been, and (3) I haven't been able to exercise at all because of my back issues.  But whenever I start feeling discouraged, Scott is quick to remind me that I am seeing results.  I've lost more than 30 lbs in just 5 months.  I've lost all of my second pregnancy weight and then some, and am just 4 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight (not just with Gerry, but with Bailey, too!).  I'd still like to lose 15-20 more pounds, but I'm not going to complain about where I'm at right now. here's my "before" and "current"... (*deep, cleansing breath*) goes nothing.

Wow, that dirty mirror is embarrassing...

We're still going strong, and we're feeling good!  Scott is much, much better about it than I am, but we'll both continue taking pictures as we get to our goals.  If you need that extra push or want information about Isagenix and it's uses, please don't hesitate to email really works!


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