A couple months ago, a friend of mine asked me my honest opinion on having kids and said that, from what I write, I seem very content and happy. I really, really am. But there are always moments when I sit back and think to myself, what the hell have I gotten myself into? Last night was one of them...between Bailey, who seems to think she can have a mini meltdown when she doesn't get her way, and Gerry, who thinks it's just awesome to stay up all freakin' night, I started to wonder what people would think if they spent a normal day with us. Which led me to thinking about my little "mom confessions". Maybe some of you can commiserate...
.....this morning I told Gerry that he sucked. He was up four times last night between the hours of 11pm and 5am...four times! I was changing his diaper a little after 5 and he was looking at me with this big grin on his face like he knew that he'd won and I smiled back at him and said in a sing-songy voice, "I love you, little man, but you suck." It felt kind of good.
.....I need to do a better job of "watching my language". Bailey has picked up quite a few choice phrases from me, her favorite being "damn". She uses it with surprising accuracy in conversation..."Mom, can you fix this damn thing?" I consider myself lucky she hasn't dropped a few well-placed F-bombs into any conversations but, really, I need to watch what I say. Scott has done a surprisingly good job of not using any questionable language within earshot of Bailey. I, on the other hand, need some practice.
.....I bought Scott a Kindle Fire for Christmas and Bailey has used it 1000 times more than he has. And I'm okay with that, because it gives me a much-need break sometimes. She knows how to turn it on, go to Netflix, and put on one of her shows (she's been obsessed with My Little Pony these days) and she'll happily hang out in her room for an hour watching "the little tv".
.....I'm starting bad habits with Gerry. I cannot...cannot...get this kid to sleep in his crib. I've tried to put him in there for naps every day but he wakes up after about 20 minutes and then never goes back to sleep. Thank God he's never truly fussy and is happy to lay there and play with his hands for a few minutes before deciding that he doesn't want to be in there anymore, but come on. 20 Minutes? I haven't even bothered to try putting him in there at night. He's still in the cradle in our room. Actually...more often than not, he spends the majority of the night in our bed. The second he wakes up in the middle of the night, it's game over. He's awake and ready to party and God help us if we don't want to party with him. Even after we've fed him and changed him, 9 times out of 10, he refuses to go back to sleep unless he's in bed with us.
.....the other day I accidentally fell asleep when Bailey was (supposed to be) napping. I was exhausted from getting very little sleep the night before and I passed out for a good 45 minutes. I woke up and went to check on her in her bedroom...she wasn't there. I found her in the bathroom standing on top of the toilet, with no pants on, her face covered in a little bit of every single jar and tube of makeup I own, smearing toothpaste on the window. She turned around and saw me staring at her like this
and she goes, "Uh, mommy? You go back to nap?" It could have been worse...but I should have known better.
I'm sure I have a million and one other confessions, but both kids are up and raring to go right now, so those will have to wait for another time. What are some of your confessions?