Gerry was 2 months old yesterday! My, oh my, how time flies. I know I say this ALL the time but I swear it feels like just yesterday since he was born. And, yes, I realize that two months really isn't that much time for me to be feeling so swoon-y and reminiscent but I think that every mother feels that way, whether her kid is 2 days old or 2 decades old. But I digress.
A lot of people in our family have commented in the last few days that it seems like every time they see him Gerry looks different. His face has filled out (I love, love, love his chubby little cheeks!) and he's more alert than ever. And his eyes! They're big and blue still, and I hope they stay that way. How strange would it be if Scott and I had not one, but two kids with blue eyes? Bailey's kept getting lighter and lighter until they were a beautiful bright blue and Gerry's are dark-ish but definitely blue.
His head control is better. Still not fantastic, but better. He loves talking, and has become quite the little chatterbox. He smiles all the time, and perks right up whenever Bailey comes near him. He still enjoys bath time, but LOATHES being in the car seat. It's sad and funny at the same time. If we're in the car and it's in motion he's totally fine. But the second we're stopped he freaks out.
Eating is still all over the place these days. For about a week, he was eating a steady 4 ounces every three hours. Then all of a sudden he just stopped following any sort of feeding schedule and it's anybody's guess when he'll eat or how much. He does have himself on a pretty decent nap schedule, though. I finally got him on the same schedule as the daycare kids during the day! He'll nap for about an hour in the morning (not nearly enough here but he's pleasant when he's awake) and then he'll take little cat naps throughout the morning. And then I get a nice 3-31/2 hour stretch out of him in the afternoon during the other kids' nap time. He goes to bed for the night anywhere between 9 and 10pm and the last 3 nights we got a solid 8 hours out of him. But every once in a while he throws us off and he'll wake up two or three times in the middle of the night. Keeping us on our toes already!
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