Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Our "Top" 4

Just need to jot this down for future reference...

Scott and I have been texting back and forth this week our "Top 4 Moments" together as a countdown to Valentine's day.  Corny, I know, but we don't normally do things like that very often (side note:  I've been trying to make more of an effort since Gerry was born to focus on Scott and our marriage and not to be sucked into the "new mom" baby vortex and forget all about him and our relationship like I kind of did for awhile after Bailey was born), and I've genuinely enjoyed reading about what Scott's top moments have been so far.

I'm not a traditionally romantic or "mushy" person and would normally never post this here, but I'm hoping that this blog will still be around years from now and I want my kids to read this.  I want to read it and look back on this time in our lives and remember that, in between the sleepless nights and diaper changes and the overwhelming responsibilities that come with being a parent, there was the two of us.  That we love each other, and that we created these kids and this life together and that it is pretty darn amazing.  It's easy to forget the moments of sweetness when you're covered in spit up and trying talk your toddler down from the ledge of what is sure to be an epic tantrum.  It's easy to forget the love and the bond that brought us together in the first place when we're running on 3 hours of broken sleep and stressing about next month's mortgage payment.  It's easy to forget.  And I don't want to do that.

The rest of our "top moments" are personal and I don't want to share them all here, but I want to share this one because it made me tear up, and anyone who knows me knows that that's a damn hard thing to do.  Scott's #2 top moment:

"#2 - Seeing you grow into the mother that you are.  Great challenges came with both kids and you handled it like a champ.  You are the most caring and balanced mother I have ever known.  You are the only person I know who puts everyone else in front of themselves.  I have never seen you put yourself and your needs in front of mine.  You are truly a gem and knowing how protective you are of our family is a complete turn-on.  Love you, more than words, for our family."

So, yeah...a teeny bit TMI. But telling me that I'm a good mother is pretty much the highest compliment in my book.  Not only did I need the reassurance today, but it made me feel good to realize that he notices the good parts of me even when I don't notice them myself..  I'm interested to see what his #1's going to take a lot to top this one!

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