Monday, February 18, 2013

5 Minute Friday

Geez, I hope I'm doing this right.  I love the writing aspect of this blog, but the technical stuff?  No bueno.  I'm clueless.  It literally takes me ALL DAY just to change the template on here.  And even then I can't guarantee that it turns out the way I'm hoping or expecting for it to.  So I'm hoping that I linked this up the right way, and here goes!

I happened upon Lisa-Jo Baker's blog  yesterday, and I've been somewhat obsessed with it ever since.  She's a mom blogger, who turned her posts into a book (kind of a dream of mine) and has a huge following of readers.  Her blog is funny and smart and real, and there's this sense of community over there that is hard to find on an internet blog.  I also downloaded my free copy of her e-book The Cheerleader For Tired Moms and I'm pretty pumped to read it.

Anyway, Lisa-Jo does this thing on her blog called 5 Minute Friday.  In a nutshell, bloggers from all over the world log onto her blog on Fridays and receive a writing prompt.  They then write raw for 5 editing, no rereading, no proofing.  Just 5 uninterrupted minutes of writing whatever your thoughts are on the subject prompt.  Then all the bloggers "link up" to her blog to share what they've written and encourage the other bloggers who have also linked up.  If I'm reading it correctly, there's some way to also connect on Twitter with the hashtag #5MinuteFriday.

For some reason, I love this idea.  I love that she was able to take this idea and turn it into something that hundreds of bloggers all over have gotten behind and contributed to.  And I plan to be one of them.  Sort of.  Technological illiteracy aside, I think it'll be fun.  And a good way to do something that I love and enjoy (writing) without being stuck in the confines of writing about my kids.  Although, it's a pretty sure bet that most of what I write on 5 Minute Fridays will revolve around them in some way.  In any case, it's 5 minutes to do something purely for me and for the sole purpose of enjoyment and fulfillment.  And I'm really looking forward to it.

I just hope I can figure out how to link to wherever the hell I'm supposed to link to.  So stay tuned!

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