We enjoyed a nice dinner at TGIFriday's, grabbed some ice cream and walked around for a bit. Bailey's in this total independence phase and refuses to ride in the stroller anymore and since we didn't have the double stroller with us I figured it was no big deal to just let her walk "like a big girl". We had to go through Penney's to get out to our car and Bailey decided to take a little detour...again, no big deal. Scott was pushing Gerry in the stroller down a different aisle and I was walking with Bailey, so I let her go a few steps ahead of me and just kept reminding her that she had to stay close to me or she'd have to sit in the stroller. She was doing fine and jogging a bit ahead of me. She's 2, how fast could really jog, right? So I stupidly just followed her at my normal pace.
Then all of a sudden she morphed into a Nigerian sprinter at the Olympics and just took off.
It took me a few second to realize that she was really moving with some speed...and weaving in and out of the bedding and towel aisles. Thinking I'd be a cool mom, I
Oh my God, I lost her.
I was trying not to panic but after a few seconds of not seeing her anywhere I started to freak out a little. I ran up and down the aisles and called her name for what felt like hours. I tried to be calm and thought, Scott's here. He'll help me find her. Until I realized that I couldn't find him, either. And he had the baby with him.
Good God, I've lost my whole family!
Now I REALLY started to panic. I always joke around with Bailey that if she doesn't stay close and/or hold my hand when we're walking that she'll end up going home with a stranger and now I was having these horrible pictures in my mind of someone snatching her up and running out the door with her before my dumb ass realized that I was the only one playing our stupid game anymore. What kind of mother am I? I lost my kid...in the mall. The rational part of me just completely broke right there and I started to cry (like any sane woman, right?). I ran up and down the aisles calling her name again and again...no answer.
I finally hear this little voice a few aisles down.
"'Dis a booby holder, Buzz. It for you boobies."
Sweeter words had never been spoken...and I knew where she was! I took off toward the lingerie section and found her trying on bras with her stuffed bear, Buzz Lightyear.
She had no clue that I'd lost her and couldn't understand why I was crying. I tried to be stern with her and tell her how much she scared me and that it was NOT okay for her to just wander off. But, technically, it was my fault. What parent in their right mind makes a game out of wandering down aisles with their 2-year-old? Lesson learned. No more games. And she MUST hold my hand while walking. For my sake as much as for hers.
I honestly think that I've never been so scared in my life than I was in those few moments it took me to find her. Truly terrifying. Days later I'm STILL kicking myself for it. So if any of you start wondering why I haven't left the house with my children in months...please refer back to this post.
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