It just hit me today that Bailey is going to be two years old in a week and a half. My, how time has flown...
I know I said this last year, but I still stand by it. I can remember vividly the day she was born, and I hope that no matter how old I get I always remember with such clarity that day. She's come such a long way in the last year, but a lot of things have stayed the same.
This time last year, Bailey wasn't walking yet. And now she's running, albeit with very little grace. She did a lot of babbling last year, but not many actual words. This year, she's putting sentences together, and we can understand them most of the time. She's losing her baby fat and looking less like my "baby" and more like my "big girl"...that makes me happy and sad at the same time. She's her own little person now, totally separate from me, and that amazes me every day. Her current favorites are popsicles, babies, and anything chocolate (maybe she's not so different from me after all!). Her favorite tv show right now is MIckey Mouse Clubhouse. She knows all the characters and sings along with all the songs.
She's going to make an absolutely fantastic big sister! Lately, she's been very interested in all things baby. She walks around the house "taking baby for a walk" in her doll stroller, and she likes to buckle the babies into car seats and swings. She always wants to hold her new cousin Karley, and she'll sit down and talk to the babies in the makes me smile to see how good she is and how much she enjoys the babies.
And speaking of new news to report with the new little one. We won't find out for a few more weeks if we're having a boy or a girl, but I did hear the heartbeat at my last appointment (nice and strong in the 150s) and I've been feeling some fluttering off and on. The other night I dreamt that it was a girl, and so now I'm convinced. When I was pregnant with Bailey I only ever dreamed that she was a girl. I'll be thrilled with a boy or a girl, though I can't imagine anyone else but Bailey being "Mommy's girl". Does that make me sound awful?
Not much left to report...will update you all as the days/weeks progress!
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