Friday, July 1, 2011

One Year Well-Visit

Just a quick post today!

Bailey had her 12-month well visit today and it went well, as usual!  She's tipping the scales at 22 lbs. and is 29 (and some change) inches long.  She's hitting every developmental milestone just fine and is growing healthy!

The only "advice" we got from her doctor was to start weaning Bailey off the bottle.  She drinks wonderfully from a sippy cup (remember the days when I was freaking out because we couldn't get her to drink from a sippy?) but she still takes her formula in a bottle.  He said to start getting her used to drinking formula in a sippy cup, but that we could continue with a bottle at bedtime because it's part of her soothing and comfort routine.  So, here we go.  Day one of formula in a sippy cup has been a fail!  But we'll keep working at it and I'm sure that, just like everything else, she'll do it when she's ready.

Bailey got two shots at her appointment (poor thing cried like she was being tortured and quartered).  The nurse who gave her the shots wasn't her regular nurse (although she was in the room with us), but a student who had graduated nursing school and needed to do a certain number of vaccinations for the office.  They asked if I'd be okay with her doing the shots and I was...but, of course, it didn't go quite as smoothly as it does with our regular nurse, Michelle.  The first needle went in with no problem.  It definitely hurt Bailey, and she tensed up just before she started crying.  But the second needle was difficult to get in and left an ugly red spot where the nurse just tried to push it in...not much finesse was used and I was upset that it hurt so badly for Bailey.  She screamed for a good 2 minutes and then calmed down, but still made sure to make all her "sad" faces, complete with a pitiful squeal or two) at anyone who looked at her on our way out.  My daughter the drama queen.

We were also told that she's need to be tested for anemia and to have a lead test before she can start on cow's milk.  I can totally understand the need for both tests and will be getting them both done.  Unfortunately, though, they normally are blood tests and we'll need to go to a lab and get her blood drawn.  I can't stomach the thought of her having a needle stuck in her arm for however long it will take to fill one (maybe two) vials of blood, especially given the fact that she's a mess when it comes to getting a needle in her leg...I can't imagine how she'll handle a blood draw and I'm not willing to put her through it.  So come Tuesday (since all labs are closed Monday for the holiday) I'll be calling every blood draw lab I can think of until I find a place that can just do a simple finger prick.  Cross your fingers that I'm able to find one!

Tomorrow is Bailey's birthday party and we're so looking forward to it...I can't believe we're celebrating her first birthday already!  Lots to do to get ready for it, and I'll be posting about it later on.  Until next time!

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