I've been so preoccupied with Bailey starting Kindergarten that I haven't really updated much on how Gerry has been doing.
Before I go any further, I'm gonna bust out the mush and say that I
adore this little boy, and he has me so wrapped around his chubby little finger. He is, by far, one of the most destructive forces I've encountered in quite some time, but he makes up for it in the quiet moments when he snuggles up into my lap or gives his sister a hug.
He's got the goofiest sense of humor. Seriously. Everything cracks him up, and he's constantly making funny faces or noises to get our attention and make us laugh. He puts on silly dress up clothes and parades around like a clown, and it makes his day to get a good laugh out of people.
Mischief is his middle name. He's incredibly quiet and very stealthy, and he can demolish a room in .02 seconds if you're not paying attention. Lately, he's taken to sneaking into the bathroom and pulling apart the toilet paper. We generally try to keep it up high where he can't reach it, but there are days where that just doesn't happen, and I end up putting on a pair of gloves and digging torn up rolls of tp from the toilet. Sometimes, he takes pity on us and just unravels a dry roll all over the floor. He's thoughtful like that.
Despite his fascination with the bathroom and toilet paper, Gerry isn't potty trained yet and I'm pretty sure he has no intention of ever
becoming trained. He's stubborn, and often hides when he has to go. I'll find him in a corner and, before I can say anything, he throws his hands out and says, "Mom. I pooping...leave me alone." To be fair, we haven't really gone hardcore with the potty training just yet. I'm going to give it a few more weeks and enter that hell when we're both good and ready.
We've made the leap into a "big boy bed", and he's doing so much better that I expected! A few months back, we converted his crib to a toddler bed and it was a disaster. He wasn't sleeping, and I'd find him playing in Bailey's room, with all the lights on, at 3am. It was madness. This time around it's a different story. We took him to Target and let him pick out his own bed (Ninja Turtles), and help Scott put it together when we got home. It helped that Bailey was super excited about the bed. Once he saw her enjoying it, Gerry decided that he liked it, too, and he hasn't looked back.

{Knock on wood} He's stayed in bed all night, and he does surprisingly well most of the time at nap time. He hasn't actually napped since we switched to the bed, but he's good (most of the time) about staying in his room, and he'll entertain himself with the Kindle or with his toys until nap time is over. I think he really likes that he has his own space he can go to when he needs a break from the daycare kids. I often find him snuggled up on his bed with the kindle in the middle of the day and I'm glad he's got his own little place where he can go to unwind.

At 2 1/2, Gerry is rambunctious and funny, sweet and adorable, mischievous and messy. He loves cars and trains, his sister, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and anything that even closely resembles fun and destruction. I love to watch him play and interact with others, and his language and sentences have seriously exploded in the last few months. He's a typical boy, wild and crazy, with some sweet and tender moments sprinkled in. He's my little man, and we're so lucky he's ours.