Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy Birthday, Bailey!

Bailey is 4 years old today. 

FOUR. YEARS. OLD.  How did this happen??  I won't get all sappy and share her birth story {although, I'm not going to lie...I'm holding myself back right now} but suffice it to say that I can't believe my baby -- my baby -- is four years old.  I still vividly remember my pregnancy, the day she was born, and all those crazy days after.  I remember the soft weight of her teeny baby body snuggled up against me while I fed her or rocked her to sleep.  I can remember her first food {peas}, her first word {dada}, the first time she was sick, her first steps, and all those incredible "firsts" that we parents marvel over.

 There's this saying that goes something like :  'The days are long but the years are short', and it's so true.  There were days...many, many days...when Bailey was younger where it just felt like the hours were dragging and the day was forever long and would never end. 

I blinked and she's a big girl.  A beautiful, smart, sassy, sweet, loving big girl.  And I'm so, so proud of the little girl that she's growing up to be. 

Okay...sentimental mom moment aside.

We've got a packed weekend, full of fun and celebrations.  Today {her actual birthday}, we're taking Bailey and her cousin to Hershey Park.  I closed the daycare, asked my mom and dad to keep Gerry for the day, and off we'll go.  We took Bailey for the first time last year and she loved it.  Getting to go on pretty much any rides she wanted {that she was tall enough to ride, obviously}?  Little to no lines for any of the rides?  A whole water park at her disposal?  Chocolate in every single store we pass?  What's not to love, right?  This year will be even more fun for her since she'll be bringing a buddy to hang out with. 

Tomorrow is her party with her friends at Build-a-Bear, and she is p-u-m-p-e-d!  All the kids will get to make their own bear and choose an outfit, and then we'll head over to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and cake.  Both places are right across the hall from each other in the mall and they partner up for parties.  Bailey gets to have fun with her friends, eat her favorite lunch, and gorge on cake.  And Scott and I don't have to do any set up or clean up.  Win-win!  That night we'll have cake with the family.

And then Sunday is my grandfather's surprise 80th birthday party.  The whole family has pitched in to get food and decorations, and I'm hoping he's surprised and happy when he sees everyone ready to celebrate.  80 is a BIG DEAL.  

So, a very busy weekend.  Starting now.  Hershey Park, here we come!

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