Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Birthday, Gerry!

Gerry turns one today, and I can't believe it.  I mean, I can...but I can't.  This year has just flown by, so much faster than Bailey's first year did, and I honestly can't believe it's been this long already.  I vividly remember this night last year -- I was checking into the hospital for my induction, lugging around a ginormous, 9-days-past-my-due-date belly, and anxious to meet the little person who had spent the last few months kicking around my ribs and bladder.  He came into the world faster than any of us was expecting at 5:13am weighing a whopping 8lbs.11oz., and it was love at first sight.

Gerald Anthony

The first photo of mommy, daddy and baby.  Note how delirious Scott looks...labor and delivery must have been rough on him.  ;-)

And he hasn't stopped making me smile since.

He's brought more joy to these last 12 months than I ever thought possible, and I can't believe I was ever worried about how I'd love two kids.  He's just full of smiles and giggles, and I love watching him grow and learn new things.  His latest is Peek-a-Boo, although we're still working on actually covering his eyes and not just slapping his hands over his ears or any random part of his steps.  He's mastered climbing stairs and has gotten quite brave over the last few days, letting go of things and standing on his own for a second or two before dropping down.  He looks around with the goofiest little grin on his face, like he's making sure everyone in the room saw his cool trick.

He loves to eat and his favorite food is anything edible.  Seriously.  He never turns down food.  Ever.  Lately, his favorites are green beans and corn, french fries, and chicken.  He's not a fan of juice or water in a sippy cup, preferring his bottle over anything else.

Bailey is still his favorite person ever, and the two of them are hilarious to watch together.  Gerry is the only person who Bailey never gets angry with.  He's a beast these days, always climbing over top of her and trying to take her toys, and she just laughs like it's the funniest thing ever.  She calls him "Ger Bear" and has an abundance of patience when it comes to her little brother.  From the first moment they met these two had a special bond and watching them together is a heart-swelling kind of happiness.

Gerry is big on making noise these days.  Anything he can bang together, anything that makes music, anything that emits a sound...the louder the better.  He loves to clap and dance, and he's one tiny ball of noise and energy these days.  He is definitely keeping us on our toes!

A year ago, I couldn't imagine being able to love another child.  I couldn't imagine having another baby, another little person to love who depended on me.  I didn't know what to expect, and I couldn't imagine my life with a little boy in it.  Today, I can't imagine my life without him.  I adore this little boy, and I'm so thankful that he's mine.  This past year has been nothing short of wonderful and I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for him and for us.

Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Little Man!

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