Monday, November 4, 2013

Gerry: 10 Months Old

Gerry was 10 months old yesterday...and what a 10 months it's been!  He's still happy as ever, but his sleep is a bit off these days.  Scott and I are assuming it's teething, and hoping it doesn't last much longer.  He's been waking up once or twice each night and then pretty early in the morning (for the day).  Still better than Bailey was at this point, though, so who are we to complain?

His newest skill is being able to go from a lying down position to sitting up all by himself.  He's been doing it for a couple of weeks now, and I think he's enjoying the independence.  Still no crawling on all-fours yet, but he gets around just fine by "army crawling" wherever he wants to go.  So now he's pretty much into everything and all over the place.  And he's FAST! He's attempting to pull himself up, but kind of gives up once he gets to his knees.  And he can stand for long periods of time while holding onto the couch...but then he just kind of lets himself crumple in a heap off to the side rather than sitting down.

Gerry is still a great eater, although he's been turning away his bottle lately unless he's tired and ready to go to sleep.  Still not getting much action with a sippy cup, but he does enjoy throwing it on the floor...over and over again.  Which reminds me...his favorite thing to do these days is to make noise.  As much noise as he can possibly make, and however he can possibly make it.  He screams, he babbles, he bangs toys together...the noisier it is for him, the better.  Bailey is still one of his favorite people ever, and I love the giant smile he gets on his face when he sees her. 

Right now, he's doing his evil little giggle/laugh that he does and I'm DYING to get it on camera so I can share it with all of you.  But I'm always too busy laughing when he does it to film him!  One day, I'll get it.

He's got his moments, but G is still one of the happiest, smiliest, best babies I've ever come across.  And, yes, I know that I'm ridiculously biased.

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