Tuesday, December 4, 2012

37 Week Appointment!

Just a heads up...this is a TMI post.  So if any of you are squeamish and/or don't want to read about the ins and outs of the last few weeks of pregnancy, please feel free to skip this post.


I had my 37 week appointment this morning, and it went well!  As I was leaving the house, Bailey started crying that she wanted to come with me and I thought, what the heck?  She's pretty good when I take her.  About an hour later, I was kicking myself for it.  I'm sitting there with my feet in the stirrups and the doc leans down to start the internal exam and Bailey yells, "Oh!  Watch out for mommy's big butt!"  Thank you, Captain Obvious...

Anyway, I'm finally making some progress!  1cm dilated and soft.  Technically, this doesn't mean much.  Some women walk around dilated at 1cm for months, and some women end up in labor within a few hours.  So, really, it could go any way.  But I don't think he's coming any time soon.  I just keep reminding myself, 3 more weeks, 3 more weeks.  And, honestly, as much as I'm ready for him to be here I know it's much easier having him on the inside for now.  Still got Christmas shopping to do, and all those little last minute details to attend to, like getting the car seat in the car (actually, cleaning out the car is high on my to-do list), washing the cradle bedding since that's where he'll be sleeping when he first comes home, and re-packing my bag for the hospital.  Yes, re-packing.  I packed it two weeks ago, went in there last night to check it and realize that I packed like an idiot.  So I'm starting over tonight and then it'll be ready to go.

I also have a breastfeeding class to go to tonight at the new hospital, and I'm actually really looking forward to it.  I didn't take any classes or anything with Bailey, just read up on some things online and figured I knew what I needed to know.  Turns out, I really didn't know much at all.  So I'm hoping that this class gives me some more knowledge and a few tips on making things easier and smooth for both the baby and myself.

I'll update on things a bit more later!

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