Remember that time that I blogged regularly? Before I had 3 kids and ran a home daycare and literally had no time to myself?
{I think} I'M BACK!
For now. For today. Because here's the thing. My kids are crazy, and they keep me busy 99% of every day. And the 1% that I actually have to myself is typically spent either sleeping or thinking about sleeping. So. Not a whole lot of writing has been happening (unless you follow me on Facebook, in which case you know that I'm on there all the time), but I'm hoping to carve out a little bit of time each day to keep this space updated, because I really miss it.
That being said, have you noticed anything different? I renamed and revamped a little bit. Still the same old me, still blogging about my kids and life and whatnot, but things are a bit different around here and I feel like a new "look" will better reflect that.
For starters, I still love my kids, but ten years and three tiny (but adorable) derelicts will change a girl. Motherhood isn't all sweet-smelling babies and smiley fall days at the pumpkin patch. It sucks a lot of the time. We're in a tough season right now. I'm pretty sure that both of my boys can be considered feral. I know that Lincoln broke me (along with 80% of the things in my house) and I'm fairly certain that his goal every day is to see what trouble he can get into. Gerry is newly diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, which presents its own set of challenges. And Bailey is running headfirst into her tween years, and she's textbook "hormonal young girl". There's no rest and, nothing stays clean or in one piece for very long, and, in the words of the illustrious Taylor Swift, 'this is why we can't have nice things'.
But we're fun, most of the time. So there's that.
So feel free to follow along on this new trajectory. Catch up on old posts and look for new ones. Because Lord knows I need an outlet!
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