Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What We've Been Up To...In Pictures

It's December, and you know what that means...shit gets crazy.  Life gets crazy.  And amid all the craziness are some seriously awesome memories that I get too busy living in to share on here.  Luckily, I've got photographic evidence!

October 1st meant all things pumpkin and farm visiting.  Fall is Scott's and my favorite season, so as soon as we got a minute we took the kids to some pumpkin farms, picked a few pumpkins, and decorated the living daylights out of them.
Feeding the animals at the farm

This was a particularly cold day for October...but we still had fun!

Pumpkin decorating!  {I can't for the life of me get G to smile like a normal person in pictures}

Halloween was a blast!  Bailey had a Halloween Parade at school, and got the biggest kick out of parading around the building for all the parents.  She went as Mack, a '50s surfer character in one of her favorite Disney movies.  And Gerry was a Ninja Turtle.  As soon as it got dark, they went out with Scott to do some trick-or-treating, came back to take a break and give out candy for awhile, and then went back out with me for a second time.  Our neighbors were awesome, and the kids had so much fun!

Halloween Parade!

The cousins on Halloween

Mack and the Ninja Turtle taking a break from trick-or-treating

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving, filled with food and family.  The kids and I watched the Thanksgiving Day parade on tv in the morning before heading to my parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner #1 in the early afternoon.  Then that night, we headed over to my in-laws' house for a second dinner...and not one of us complained about the extra food!  The kids spent the night with their grandparents, and Scott and I headed out to do some Black Friday shopping...and, bonus!  We got the kids' gifts bought, wrapped, and hidden away all on Friday.  And they have no idea.  :-)

Christmas is just a few weeks away.  And that means Santa and carols and the damn Elf on the shelf.  The Elf, in particular, makes me twitchy.  I live in constant fear of forgetting to move him at night, or of one of the kids catching me moving him.  It's ridiculous how a tiny little fake toy can rule your life.

December also means that we got our Christmas pictures done and sent out our cards.  We haven't hit the mall to see Santa yet, but these are some of my favorites from the kids' "photo shoot" at Target.

And, of course, we've got our tree up.  In fact, this year the kids got to decorate 3 trees-- our own, one at my parents' house, and one at my grandparents' house.  I don't think we'll be invited back to decorate next year, because KIDS.  But we had fun, destruction, broken ornaments, and all.

And last, but certainly not least...I'm 24 weeks along today.  Viability, baby!  According to my pregnancy app, Baby is between 11 and 20 ounces, and I can certainly feel every one.  I feel huge these days, and fairly uncomfortable.  We still don't have a name for this little guy, and I feel kind of bad about it {but obviously not bad enough to actually, you know, give him a name}.   Nothing is striking us as quite right like it did with Bailey and Gerry, so for now we're sticking to calling him "the baby".  Bailey has decided that we're naming him Dominic, and she'll tell anyone who listens that his name is going to be Dominic Black {no idea where she got that from}.  She's going to be sorely disappointed, because Dominic isn't even on our radar as far as names go.  We've got 16 weeks, give or take, to figure it out.  Soooo...hit me with your suggestions, folks!

Until next time!

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