Thanks to
Influenster, I received another VoxBox* in the mail...more than a month ago. Life has been SO BUSY lately, and I just haven't had much time to come here and update things, but I want to share and review the awesomeness of this VoxBox with all of you. Because it really was an awesome box, and just about all of the products that came in here were full-sized!
Here's what came in the Frosty VoxBox:
- Fruit Vines Bites Strawberry
- Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover
- Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Eyeliner
- Eco Tools Hairbrush
- Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane Decaf Green Tea
- McCormick Gourmet All Natural Thyme
- Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Advanced
- NYC New York Color Expert Last Lip Color
First up for review: Fruit Vines! My VoxBox came with the strawberry flavored bites and they were delicious. I'm a big fan of Red Vines, so I was excited to see these in my box! The bites are soft and chewy, and they come in two flavors--strawberry and cherry. These are low-fat and made with no preservatives and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed them. So much that I went out later on and bought a few more packs from Target. These are definitely a chewy snack that doesn't disappoint, and I highly recommend them!

Rimmel is a brand that I've never tried before. Not because I have something against the company, but simply because when it comes to makeup I've got my tried and true favorites and generally don't deviate from those. This VoxBox came at just the right time because my "regular" eyeliner was ridiculously low and I'd been using a tiny little nub of a liner for quite awhile. So, of course, the first thing I tried from this box (besides the obviously already ripped open bag of Fruit Vines Bites pictured above) was the Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Eyeliner. I have blue eyes and usually wear a dark brown eyeliner...the Scandaleyes eyeliner I got was black. I LOVED how smoothly the liner went on. The color was much darker than what I'm used to, so I probably won't wear it very often, but I WILL go out and buy Rimmel Scandaleyes in dark brown, a color that I feel comfortable wearing often. This particular liner went on so smoothly that there was very little effort on my part, and I love that. Normally, I'm dragging my eyelid to the side with one hand and trying to {not-so} effortlessly apply the liner with my other, which always drags somewhat painfully on my lid. It's a process, people. But Rimmel Scandaleyes made the process a whole lot easier, and I definitely recommend it.

Just ignore the fact that I badly needed my eyebrows done when I took this picture |
I also got this Rimmel Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. As far as makeup removers go, this one was adequate but not great. It wasn't oily and I liked that the bottle had a squeeze-top as opposed to just the large opening (less mess for me), but it didn't actually remove my eye makeup as well as I'd expected. My drug store brand makeup remover took it all off more easily and cost a little less than the name brand Rimmel remover. If you've got a few extra bucks, I'd stick with the eye makeup remover you love and spend the extra cash on the Scandaleyes Eyeliner instead.

On to lips! Bailey (my 4 year old daughter) is constantly--constantly-- taking my lip gloss and lipstick. I don't wear it as often as I like, but I'm always on the lookout for more options and colors to fit my fair skin so I was pretty pumped to see this NYC Expert Last Lip Color in my Frosty VoxBox. I'll be perfectly honest here--when I first saw the color, Sugar Plum, I thought for sure that it was going to be too dark and weird looking for my pale skin. I tend to stick to pale pinks and clear glosses and this color looked waaaaay darker than I'm used to. But I gave it a shot on date night with my husband and I actually liked it a lot! It didn't go on nearly as darkly as I thought it would, and it looked quite nice after a quick blot . In fact, the shine was so nice that I didn't even need to add clear gloss, and it lasted awhile. Plus, it went on smoothly. And the best part is that NYC brand is MUCH cheaper than a lot of the other makeup brands. I highly recommend the brand AND the color, and I'll be trying out different colors from the NYC line, too!

And because I'm not one to pass up the opportunity for a selfie when I've actually put on makeup and left my hair down, here's one with the Rimmel Scandaleyes Eyeliner and NYC Lip Color that came in my VoxBox.

Moving my Eco Tools Hairbrush. The bristles of this brush are synthetic boar's hair-like and the concept behind the unique bristle pattern is to distribute your hair's natural moisturizers and leave it with a sleek, lustrous shine. I'm going to be honest, and I hate to say this, but I didn't love this product. Quite possibly, this is completely due to user error on my part, but I found the brush to be more difficult than anything and I gave up and switched back to my Conair before I'd even finished. I first used the Eco Tools Hairbrush after showering when my hair was completely wet. I towel-dried it a bit but found that the brush didn't move as deeply through my wet hair as a normal bristled brush does. The top layer of my hair was brushed smoothly, but underneath was still somewhat of a tangled mess after the shower. I tried to comb my hair again after I'd dried it, but came away with the same feeling of not being able to brush clear to the scalp and also with staticky hair. Again, this could be an error on my part and, for $10.99 I think it's worth giving the brush a try. I have thick, fairly dry hair and this could be part of the reason why I felt like it didn't really work for me. I'd definitely like to try the styling brush in the Eco Tools line, though.

The next product I received in my VoxBox was this Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Advanced Serum. This particular skin care product got great reviews online. The serum is supposed to help protect skin from future signs of aging and keep it looking younger longer. Admittedly, I'm not great with my skin care routine. I don't use any "magic" creams, but I do wash my face with cleanser and use lotion regularly. I always wear sunscreen, and have only worn makeup rarely in the last 4 years or so. I turned 30 over the summer, and don't think my skin is showing many signs of aging (and, guys, for real--if I'm looking old, LET ME KNOW!), so I didn't really see much of a difference in my skin when using this product. BUT, I also don't think it hurts to use it and I like the thought of it helping to prevent future signs of aging. Overall, I recommend this one.

Moving on from face and hair to the kitchen...dun dun dun! Those of you who know me know that I am not so great in the kitchen. If it weren't for Scott, the kids and I would live on sandwiches and microwaved dinners, so I didn't have high hopes for the McCormick Gourmet Thyme that came in the VoxBox. I don't cook often and when I do I'm not very creative. But I sprinkled some of this on a chicken breast for lunch one day...and it was delicious! I'm not a fan of plain chicken breast but we're trying to eat healthier over here. A tiny sprinkle of the thyme gave my plain chicken breast a hint of flavor without being overpowering , and I really enjoyed it. Luckily for all of us, Scott is much more creative in the kitchen than I am, so I'm sure he'll come up with a million and one recipes to try the McCormick Thyme in...and I'm looking forward to those! Overall, I recommend this product!

And last (but certainly not least), Celestial Seasonings Candy Cane Lane Decaf Green Tea. As luck would have it, I had a miserable cold the day this VoxBox arrived. I'm a coffee junkie but when I'm feeling under the weather I prefer tea at night. So, of course, it would make sense that the one time I wanted tea I didn't have any in the house. Until my VoxBox arrived. I'm not a fan of green tea. Like, at all. And, truthfully, I didn't think I'd be a fan of the Celestial Seasonings Green Tea either. But desperate {sick} times call for desperate measures, so I ripped open the packet and steeped that green tea like it was my job. And it wasn't half bad. I added a little bit of sweet and low and sipped it, and it was pretty good. If I'd had regular tea in the house there's a 99% chance that I never would have opened the Celestial Seasonings, but I'm glad that I did. I wouldn't drink this all the time, and I still prefer my plain Lipton when I'm sick, but this particular tea was good in its own way, and I liked the hint of mint it had...definitely nice for winter and a change of pace from all the hot chocolate and peppermint mochas I normally consume during that time. Overall, I recommend this product. I wouldn't buy it in bulk but it's nice to have just in case. And if you're a tea drinker and you like green tea, then go for it!

So, there's my Frosty VoxBox review. I really liked this one and will definitely be purchasing more of some of the products I received. If you'd like to become an Influenster and receive your own VoxBox for free, comment with your email address and I'll send you an invite. You won't be disappointed!
* I received all of these products for free from Influenster for testing purposes.*