Today marks our fifth anniversary, and it's been 5 years of nothing but rainbows and unicorns and chocolate and wedded bliss.
Just kidding. We have two kids--there's been stress and worry and craziness, and unicorns don't exist. But I wouldn't trade the last 5 years for anything in the world.
You know that part in your vows that says 'in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, 'til death do you part'? That's some pretty heavy stuff, and I don't think a lot of couples take it as seriously as they should when they get married. On the day of our wedding, I knew we were never going to be rich. Scott is a teacher and I worked in was a safe bet that we'd never be "rolling in it". I knew we'd have good moments and bad ones. I knew it would take some adjusting to our new husband and wife roles. I knew that we were going to have struggles. I knew that we'd have arguments and disagreements and that we'd be angry with each other sometimes. I knew all of this as surely as I know my own name, and yet I wouldn't have changed a thing. Because there's no one else in this world that I'd rather struggle and argue and disagree with. And because I knew that there were going to be so many good and happy moments in our marriage, and there's no one else in this world that I'd rather celebrate those times with.
So, that's what we've been up to these last 5 years. In between the disagreements and the struggles, we laughed. We loved. We had two of the most beautiful children on earth. We bought a house and made it our own. We spent time with friends and family. Celebrated birthdays and holidays. Marveled at our children's first steps and first words. Shared discreet laughs at their expense. Teared up when they learned something new and wonderful. Survived health issues. Comforted each other. Praised each other.
It hasn't always been easy. In the monotony of the day-to-day, it can be far too easy to focus solely on myself and on how I'm feeling and thinking, and completely forget that there's another person who's opinion matters. There've been many nights where we've fallen into bed, exhausted after a long day of work and an even longer evening with the kids, and offered up a quick, perfunctory "g'night" before falling asleep only to wake up in the morning and do it all over again. In those seemingly endless days, that cycle of work-home-kids-sleep, it's easy to forget who we were before. In the early days of our marriage when it was just the two of us. But then we'll get a few minutes after Gerry has gone to bed to snuggle up together on the couch and watch one of our favorite shows. Or Scott will sneak up on me in the kitchen while I'm washing dishes and kiss me. Or we'll hold hands while walking the mall with the kids. And in those moments we find ourselves and each other all over again.
I blinked, and five years and a lifetime went by.
I love my husband more today than on the day we got married. I watch him with our kids and I can't imagine life any other way. Through the stress and the struggles, the tears and the laughter, it's always been him. Us. And I'm so lucky that I get to be his wife.
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