Friday, November 23, 2012

35 Weeks

So, I've been having irregular contractions for a little more than a week now and it's driving me crazy.  Not Braxton Hicks but actual, fairly uncomfortable and sort of regular, irregular contractions.  It doesn't happen every day, but when they do decide to make an appearance they can last for a good couple hours and become as close as 5-6 minutes apart.  Then, just when I start to think, Oh okay...maybe I should call the doctor because, woo hoo, it's baby time! the contractions come to a screeching halt.  And then I sit there like an idiot for an hour afterward trying to "become one with my body" and willing something to happen, only to realize that...crap...they're gone.  Over.  Kaput.  Well played, uterus.  Well played.  I never had false labor when I was pregnant with Bailey; never even felt Braxton hicks with her.  The only time I felt a contraction was when I was in actual, honest-to-God labor.  So all these false contractions are throwing me for a loop!

I'm only 35 weeks and a few days along.  So, really, I know better than to expect (or even to hope) that every twinge is the real deal.  I'm the first person to stand up and say that it's best for baby to cook as long as possible, and that I would rather NOT be induced if I can avoid it.  But then the contractions start, and I'm so bummed when they stop.  Eh, it'll happen when he's good and ready.  But, damn it, I hate the not knowing!  And I feel like, with the holidays and Bailey to worry about so close to D-Day, it would be nice to have a concrete idea of when I can expect things to happen.  I should know better, right?

Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and I have lots to post about the holiday...and the Black Friday shopping...another day.  For now, here's the 35 week bump.  :-)

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