But, since I was SUCH a slacker these last few months, how best to update you all without this turning into a post that will take you most of the day to read? How 'bout if I just bullet the main points for now?
Here goes...
- I'm going to be an aunt again! Meghan and Drew are expecting baby #2, a girl, on or around June 19th of this year. They're naming her Karley...no word yet on a middle name. Every time I see Meg's baby bump I get "the fever". Must remind myself-- all in due time.
- Bailey is no longer sleeping in her crib. That was quite a fun lesson for mommy and daddy. I just so happened to look at the video monitor while she was (supposed to be) taking a nap...and saw Bailey standing on top of her changing table. She was almost 19 months old at the time, and we switched her to a toddler bed that very night. I don't run very often and, in fact, my brother will argue that I don't run AT ALL (sort of true) but you better believe I FLEW upstairs when I saw her standing on top of that changing table. There's no doubt in my mind that, had I not seen her when I did, she would have assumed she could fly and done a header straight to the floor. God forbid she'd landed on her face and ended up with her mother's nose. Here's her toddler bed:
- She was a cat for Halloween.
- She LOVED Christmas...
- But wasn't exactly a fan of Santa!
- She talks a mile a minute these days and, even though it's often hard to understand her, she's really getting her point across. It is just SO cool to actually have a conversation with her, a back and forth.
- She still will only drink milk from a bottle. Scott and I have tried to trick her time and time again but she absolutely refuses milk from a sippy cup...oh well.
- She's just finishing up another No-Sleep phase. This one lasted almost a full month and was torture! She was waking up at least once at night and then up for good anywhere between 5 and 5:30am. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she would just sob and sob until we went in to comfort her...there was just no putting herself back to sleep. I think she was going through a growth spurt with a combination of quite a few teeth coming in, poor thing. Luckily, though, we're on night 4 of her sleeping 10-11 hours straight again, and I'm hoping it stays that way for a long while!
- She still freaks out when we go to the doctor. Luckily, she hasn't had an appointment since her 18-month check-up back in December. She spent that appointment pretty much screaming her head off the entire time. I'm told it gets better...but I'm not holding out any hope for that any time soon!
- We're teaching her to drive.
Just kidding...but it's only a matter of time.
Okay, bulleted list aside...Bailey is doing great! She's got this wonderful and funny personality, and I just love her so much. She's got her moments where she'll scream or throw a tantrum, but they're few and far between. Most of the time she's pretty happy and loving. She's got good manners and will say that she's sorry when she does something wrong or something that hurts someone. She definitely has a lot of Scott's personality in terms of her outgoing nature. She has no problem just walking up to someone and making friends. In fact, just this past weekend we took her to the mall and passed the little play rides that they have there. We took her out of her stroller and, while Scott and I searched our wallets for a few quarters, Bailey took it upon herself to just climb up in a car with this random kid....
Good thing for her, he didn't put up a fight and pretty much tolerated her the whole ride.
She is, in a word, incredible.
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